What is Homo Ludens

Remco Magielse
Homo Ludens
Published in
2 min readJan 21, 2021


Photo by Karthik Balakrishnan on Unsplash

Welcome to Homo Ludens. A publication on Medium around board games, board game design and board game culture. We have the ambition to reach an audience that is interested in the broader aspects of tabletop games than the simple reviews.

We will bring you articles on, opinions on, and analyses of the well-known, and lesser-known board games. If you are a writer: we are open to submissions on these topics!

Who are we?

We are driven by passion and interest, not by profession. We are not part of the professional board game design industry. We are passionate about board games and play on a regular basis. We even tend to design (and perhaps attempt to publish) our own games. The tactile experience of board games is what excites us: Touching game components, holding them in your hands, the smell of a brand new playing board is what makes us tick. We can get deeply motivated to think of new strategies in our games. The tension of being so close to a victory makes our hearts race. We thoroughly enjoy the time we can spent with friends and family when we roll the dice, or shuffle the deck of cards.

Who are you?

You’ve played all the traditional games of Monopoly, Clue, Risk, Twister, Jenga etc. But you also know Catan, Carcasonne, Agricola, Mysterium or Dixit. You’ve heard about BoardGameGeek and visited a few times. You play games on a regular basis. You think the average board game review is too shallow, but the endless discussion fora are too deep. You are a passionate enthusiast.

Does that sound like you? Then Homo Ludens is for you!



Remco Magielse
Homo Ludens

Product Manager, Innovator, Designer. Software, SaaS, Cloud. Board Game, Fantasy & Sci-fi fan. Husband, Father of 3.